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Maternal Mental Health

Mental health and wellbeing during the perinatal period.

Maternal Mental Health

Mental health during pregnancy and the years after affects you and your families development. It is estimated that one in four women can experience clinically significant mood disorder symptoms during pregnancy and/or within the first year postpartum. Many more women may also experience less severe mental health challenges. One in ten men can also experience mental health challenges within this perinatal period. If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to serious mental health conditions.

Music therapy for perinatal mental health is uniquely designed to help you get through some of the hardest moments of your life. By offering a supportive, non-judgemental therapy that encourages creativity, music therapy can provide an outlet to express emotions, reduce stress, become aware of triggers.

Both private and group sessions focus on practicing relaxation techniques, anxiety relief skills, mutual support and cognitively stimulating music activities.

Each music therapy programme is individually designed involving initial assessment, goal making strategies, practice and evaluation.

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